Tuesday, December 6, 2011


For our December outing we wanted to get a taste of some cold weather camping as well as do a little service. We decided to head to and LDS church owned property near Belfair, WA, Zions Camp.

During the night we slept in some shelters that did not retain any heat, so we succeeded in getting our taste of cold weather camping.

To help us warm up, the camp directors had a project all ready for us in the morning. We spent a couple of hours chopping wood. The wood is used by patrons to the camp area. The first armload is free, but there is a nominal charge above that. With all the trees up there, I'm sure there is no shortage axe swinging. The boys all had a great time trying their hands at heavy splitting mauls and even a hydraulic splitter. Here's the proof.

If you would like information about joining, contact us at 1546orchardheights@gmail.com

Court of Honor

In November we had a long-overdue court of honor. There were lots of merit badges to go around and we even had a handful of rank advancements, including 2(!) new First Class Scouts!!
Here are some great pictures.


Welcome to the official blog of the Orchard Heights Troop 1546. We are part of the Sinclair District in the Chief Seattle Council.
Our troop is about five years old and we're always trying to grow.
Our next overnight outing is coming up soon. If you would like to learn more about our troop or possibly accompany us on our next outing, send me a message and I'll set you up.
Check back soon for more updates, and have a great day!